Module: GR
- Extended by:
- GRCommons::GRCommonUtils, GRCommons::JupyterSupport
- Defined in:
- lib/gr.rb,
OverView of GR.rb
+--------------------+ +--------------------+
| GR module | | GR3 module |
| +----------------+ | | +----------------+ |
| | GR::FFI | | | | GR3::FFI | |
| | + | | | | + | |
| +----------------+ | | +----------------+ |
| | define_method | | | define_method |
| +----------------+ | | +----------------+ |
| | | GR::GRBase | | | | | GR3::GR3Base | |
| | v (Pri^ate) | | | | v (Pri^ate) | |
| +++--------------+ | | +++--------------+ |
| | Extend | | | Extend |
| v | | v +-------+ |
| +-----------+ | | | Check | |
| | GR::Plot | | | <--+ Error | |
| +-----------+ | | +-------+ |
+--------------------+ +----------+---------+
^ ^
| +------------------+ |
Extend | | GRCommons module | | Extend
| | +--------------+ | |
| | | Fiddley | | |
| | +--------------+ | |
| | +--------------+ | |
+----+ CommonUtils +----+
| | +--------------+ | |
| | +--------------+ | |
+----+ Version +----+
| | +--------------+ |
| | +--------------+ |
+----+JupyterSupport| |
| +--------------+ |
(You can edit the above AA diagram with
Fiddley is Ruby-FFI compatible API layer for Fiddle.
The GR module works without Numo::Narrray. GR3 and GR::Plot depends on numo-narray.
This is a procedural interface to the GR plotting library,
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: FFI Classes: Error, NotFoundError
Constant Summary collapse
- CLIP =
GR.beginprint types
(1 << 0)
(1 << 1)
Constants included from GRCommons::GRCommonUtils
Class Attribute Summary collapse
.ffi_lib ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute ffi_lib.
Class Method Summary collapse
.activatews ⇒ Object
Activate the specified workstation.
- .adjustlimits(amin, amax) ⇒ Integer
- .adjustrange(amin, amax) ⇒ Object
.axes ⇒ Object
(also: axes2d)
Draw X and Y coordinate axes with linearly and/or logarithmically spaced tick marks.
.axes3d ⇒ Object
Draw X, Y and Z coordinate axes with linearly and/or logarithmically spaced tick marks.
.axeslbl ⇒ Object
Create axes in the current workspace and supply a custom function for changing the behaviour of the tick labels.
.begingraphics ⇒ Object
Open a file for graphics output.
.beginprint(file_path) ⇒ Object
Open and activate a print device.
.beginprintext ⇒ Object
Open and activate a print device with the given layout attributes.
- .beginselection ⇒ Object
.camerainteraction ⇒ Object
Rotate the current scene according to a virtual arcball.
.cellarray(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, dimx, dimy, color) ⇒ Object
Display rasterlike images in a device-independent manner.
.clearws ⇒ Object
Clear the specified workstation.
- .closegks ⇒ Object
- .closeseg ⇒ Object
.closews ⇒ Object
Close the specified workstation.
- .colorbar ⇒ Object
.configurews ⇒ Object
Configure the specified workstation.
.contour(x, y, h, z, major_h) ⇒ Object
Draw contours of a three-dimensional data set whose values are specified over a rectangular mesh.
.contourf(x, y, h, z, major_h) ⇒ Object
Draw filled contours of a three-dimensional data set whose values are specified over a rectangular mesh.
- .copysegws ⇒ Object
.cpubasedvolume ⇒ Object
FIXME! (#61).
- .createseg ⇒ Object
.deactivatews ⇒ Object
Deactivate the specified workstation.
- .delaunay(x, y) ⇒ Integer
- .destroycontext ⇒ Object
.drawarc ⇒ Object
Draw a circular or elliptical arc covering the specified rectangle.
.drawarrow ⇒ Object
Draw an arrow between two points.
- .drawgraphics ⇒ Integer
.drawimage(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, width, height, data, model = 0) ⇒ Object
Draw an image into a given rectangular area.
.drawpath(points, codes, fill) ⇒ Object
Draw simple and compound outlines consisting of line segments and bezier curves.
.drawrect ⇒ Object
Draw a rectangle using the current line attributes.
- .emergencyclosegks ⇒ Object
- .endgraphics ⇒ Object
- .endprint ⇒ Object
- .endselection ⇒ Object
.fillarc ⇒ Object
Fill a circular or elliptical arc covering the specified rectangle.
.fillarea(x, y) ⇒ Object
Allows you to specify a polygonal shape of an area to be filled.
.fillrect ⇒ Object
Draw a filled rectangle using the current fill attributes.
- .findboundary ⇒ Object
.gdp(x, y, primid, datrec) ⇒ Object
Generates a generalized drawing primitive (GDP) of the type you specify, using specified points and any additional information contained in a data record.
- .getgraphics ⇒ String
- .gr_setresizebehaviour ⇒ Object
- .gradient(x, y, z) ⇒ Object deprecated Deprecated.
.grid ⇒ Object
Draw a linear and/or logarithmic grid.
.grid3d ⇒ Object
Draw a linear and/or logarithmic grid.
.gridit(xd, yd, zd, nx, ny) ⇒ Object
Interpolate data from arbitrary points at points on a rectangular grid.
.herrorbars(x, y, e1, e2) ⇒ Object
Draw a standard horizontal error bar graph.
- .hexbin(x, y, nbins) ⇒ Integer
- .hsvtorgb(h, s, v) ⇒ Integer
- .importgraphics ⇒ Integer
- .initgr ⇒ Object
- .inqbbox ⇒ Object
.inqbordercolorind ⇒ Object
Define the color of subsequent path output primitives.
.inqborderwidth ⇒ Object
Define the border width of subsequent path output primitives.
.inqcharheight ⇒ Numeric
Gets the current character height.
- .inqclipxform ⇒ Object
- .inqcolor(color) ⇒ Object
- .inqcolorfromrgb ⇒ Integer
.inqcolormap ⇒ Object
.inqcolormapinds ⇒ Array
Inquire the color index range of the current colormap.
.inqdspsize ⇒ Array
Get the current display size.
.inqfillcolorind ⇒ Integer
Returns the current fill area color index.
.inqfillintstyle ⇒ Integer
Returns the fill area interior style to be used for fill areas.
.inqfillstyle ⇒ Integer
Returns the current fill area color index.
.inqlinecolorind ⇒ Object
Define the color of subsequent polyline output primitives.
.inqlinetype ⇒ Object
Specify the line style for polylines.
.inqlinewidth ⇒ Object
Define the line width of subsequent polyline output primitives.
.inqmarkercolorind ⇒ Object
Define the color of subsequent polymarker output primitives.
.inqmarkersize ⇒ Numeric
Inquire the marker size for polymarkers.
.inqmarkertype ⇒ Object
Specifiy the marker type for polymarkers.
.inqmathtex(x, y, string) ⇒ Object
.inqorthographicprojection ⇒ Object
Return the camera position, up vector and focus point.
.inqperspectiveprojection ⇒ Object
Return the parameters for the perspective projection.
.inqprojectiontype ⇒ Object
Return the projection type.
- .inqregenflags ⇒ Integer
.inqresamplemethod ⇒ Integer
Inquire the resample method used for ‘drawimage`.
- .inqresizebehaviour ⇒ Object
.inqscale ⇒ Object
.inqscalefactors3d ⇒ Object
Returns the scale factors for each axis.
.inqspace ⇒ Integer
Set the abstract Z-space used for mapping three-dimensional output primitives into the current world coordinate space.
.inqtext(x, y, string) ⇒ Object
Draw a text at position ‘x`, `y` using the given options and current text attributes.
- .inqtext3d(x, y, z, string, axis) ⇒ Object
.inqtextcolorind ⇒ Integer
Gets the current text color index.
- .inqtextencoding ⇒ Object
.inqtextext(x, y, string) ⇒ Object
- .inqtextx(x, y, string, opts) ⇒ Object
.inqtransformationparameters ⇒ Object
Return the camera position, up vector and focus point.
.inqviewport ⇒ Object
.inqvolumeflags ⇒ Array
Inquire the parameters which can be set for cpubasedvolume.
.inqvpsize ⇒ Object
FIXME! (#61).
.inqwindow ⇒ Object
.inqwindow3d ⇒ Object
Return the three dimensional window.
.interp2(x, y, z, xq, yq, method, extrapval) ⇒ Object
Interpolation in two dimensions using one of four different methods.
.loadfont(str) ⇒ Object
Load a font file from a given filename.
.mathtex ⇒ Object
Generate a character string starting at the given location.
- .moveselection ⇒ Object
- .ndctowc(x, y) ⇒ Object
.nonuniformcellarray(x, y, dimx, dimy, color) ⇒ Object
Display a two dimensional color index array with nonuniform cell sizes.
.nonuniformpolarcellarray(phi, r, ncol, nrow, color) ⇒ Object
Display a two dimensional color index array mapped to a disk using polar coordinates with nonuniform cell sizes.
- .opengks ⇒ Object
.openws ⇒ Object
Open a graphical workstation.
.panzoom(x, y, zoom) ⇒ Object
.path(x, y, codes) ⇒ Object
Draw paths using the given vertices and path codes.
.polarcellarray(x_org, y_org, phimin, phimax, rmin, rmax, dimphi, dimr, color) ⇒ Object
Display a two dimensional color index array mapped to a disk using polar coordinates.
- .polygonmesh3d(px, py, pz, connections, colors) ⇒ Object
.polyline(x, y, linewidth = nil, line_z = nil) ⇒ Object
Draw a polyline using the current line attributes, starting from the first data point and ending at the last data point.
.polyline3d(x, y, z) ⇒ Object
Draw a 3D curve using the current line attributes, starting from the first data point and ending at the last data point.
.polymarker(x, y, markersize = nil, marker_z = nil) ⇒ Object
Draw marker symbols centered at the given data points.
.polymarker3d(x, y, z) ⇒ Object
Draw marker symbols centered at the given 3D data points.
.quiver(x, y, u, v, color) ⇒ Object
Draw a quiver plot on a grid of nx*ny points.
- .readimage(path) ⇒ Integer
- .redrawsegws ⇒ Object
.reducepoints(xd, yd, n) ⇒ Object
Reduces the number of points of the x and y array.
- .resizeselection ⇒ Object
- .restorestate ⇒ Object
- .savestate ⇒ Object
- .selectclipxform ⇒ Object
- .selectcontext ⇒ Object
.selntran ⇒ Object
‘selntran` selects a predefined transformation from world coordinates to normalized device coordinates.
.setapproximativecalculation ⇒ Object
Set if gr_cpubasedvolume is calculated approximative or exact.
.setarrowsize ⇒ Object
Set the arrow size to be used for subsequent arrow commands.
.setarrowstyle ⇒ Object
Set the arrow style to be used for subsequent arrow commands.
.setbordercolorind ⇒ Object
Define the color of subsequent path output primitives.
.setborderwidth ⇒ Object
Define the border width of subsequent path output primitives.
.setcharexpan ⇒ Object
Set the current character expansion factor (width to height ratio).
.setcharheight ⇒ Object
Set the current character height.
- .setcharspace ⇒ Object
.setcharup ⇒ Object
Set the current character text angle up vector.
.setclip ⇒ Object
Set the clipping indicator.
.setcolormap ⇒ Object
Set the currently used colormap.
.setcolormapfromrgb(r, g, b, positions: nil) ⇒ Object
Define a colormap by a list of RGB colors.
.setcolorrep ⇒ Object
Redefine an existing color index representation by specifying an RGB color triplet.
.setcoordxform(mat) ⇒ Object
Change the coordinate transformation according to the given matrix.
.setfillcolorind ⇒ Object
Sets the current fill area color index.
.setfillintstyle ⇒ Object
Set the fill area interior style to be used for fill areas.
.setfillstyle ⇒ Object
Sets the fill style to be used for subsequent fill areas.
.setlinecolorind ⇒ Object
Define the color of subsequent polyline output primitives.
.setlinetype ⇒ Object
Specify the line style for polylines.
.setlinewidth ⇒ Object
Define the line width of subsequent polyline output primitives.
.setmarkercolorind ⇒ Object
Define the color of subsequent polymarker output primitives.
.setmarkersize ⇒ Object
Specify the marker size for polymarkers.
.setmarkertype ⇒ Object
Specifiy the marker type for polymarkers.
.setorthographicprojection ⇒ Object
Set parameters for orthographic transformation.
.setperspectiveprojection ⇒ Object
Set the far and near clipping plane for perspective projection and the vertical field ov view.
.setpicturesizeforvolume ⇒ Object
Set the width and height of the resulting picture.
.setprojectiontype ⇒ Object
Set the projection type with this flag.
- .setregenflags ⇒ Object
.setresamplemethod ⇒ Object
Set the resample method used for ‘drawimage`.
.setscale ⇒ Integer
‘setscale` sets the type of transformation to be used for subsequent GR output primitives.
.setscalefactors3d ⇒ Object
Set the scale factor for each axis.
- .setsegtran ⇒ Object
.setshadow ⇒ Object
‘setshadow` allows drawing of shadows, realized by images painted underneath, and offset from, graphics objects such that the shadow mimics the effect of a light source cast on the graphics objects.
.setspace ⇒ Integer
Set the abstract Z-space used for mapping three-dimensional output primitives into the current world coordinate space.
.setspace3d ⇒ Object
Set the camera for orthographic or perspective projection.
.settextalign ⇒ Object
1 : TEXT_HALIGN_LEFT - Left justify * 2 : TEXT_HALIGN_CENTER - Center justify * 3 : TEXT_HALIGN_RIGHT - Right justify.
.settextcolorind ⇒ Object
Sets the current text color index.
- .settextencoding ⇒ Object
.settextfontprec ⇒ Object
Specify the text font and precision for subsequent text output primitives.
.settextpath ⇒ Object
Define the current direction in which subsequent text will be drawn.
.setthreadnumber ⇒ Object
Set the number of threads which can run parallel.
.settransformationparameters ⇒ Object
Method to set the camera position, the upward facing direction and the focus point of the shown volume.
.settransparency ⇒ Object
Set the value of the alpha component associated with GR colors.
.setviewport ⇒ Object
‘setviewport` establishes a rectangular subspace of normalized device coordinates.
.setvolumebordercalculation(# @!method setthreadnumber) ⇒ Object
Set the gr_volume border type with this flag.
.setwindow ⇒ Object
‘setwindow` establishes a window, or rectangular subspace, of world coordinates to be plotted.
.setwindow3d ⇒ Object
Set the three dimensional window.
.setwsviewport ⇒ Object
Define the size of the workstation graphics window in meters.
.setwswindow ⇒ Object
Set the area of the NDC viewport that is to be drawn in the workstation window.
- .shade ⇒ Object
.shadelines(x, y, dims: [1200, 1200], xform: 1) ⇒ Object
Display a line set as an aggregated and rasterized image.
.shadepoints(x, y, dims: [1200, 1200], xform: 1) ⇒ Object
Display a point set as a aggregated and rasterized image.
.spline(x, y, m, method) ⇒ Object
Generate a cubic spline-fit, starting from the first data point and ending at the last data point.
.surface(x, y, z, option) ⇒ Object
Draw a three-dimensional surface plot for the given data points.
.text ⇒ Object
Draw a text at position ‘x`, `y` using the current text attributes.
- .text3d ⇒ Object
- .text_maxsize ⇒ Object
.textext ⇒ Integer
Draw a text at position ‘x`, `y` using the current text attributes.
.textx ⇒ Object
Draw a text at position ‘x`, `y` using the given options and current text attributes.
- .tick ⇒ Numeric
.titles3d ⇒ Object
Display axis titles just outside of their respective axes.
- .to_rgb_color(z) ⇒ Array, NArray
.tricontour(x, y, z, levels) ⇒ Object
Draw a contour plot for the given triangle mesh.
.trisurface(x, y, z) ⇒ Object
Draw a triangular surface plot for the given data points.
- .updategks ⇒ Object
.updatews ⇒ Object
Update the specified workstation.
- .uselinespec ⇒ Integer
- .validaterange ⇒ Integer
.verrorbars(x, y, e1, e2) ⇒ Object
Draw a standard vertical error bar graph.
.version ⇒ String
Returns the combined version strings of the GR runtime.
- .wc3towc(x, y, z) ⇒ Object
- .wctondc(x, y) ⇒ Object
Methods included from GRCommons::GRCommonUtils
create_ffi_pointer, double, equal_length, float, inquiry, inquiry_double, inquiry_int, inquiry_uint, int, narray?, read_ffi_pointer, uint, uint16, uint8
Methods included from GRCommons::JupyterSupport
Class Attribute Details
.ffi_lib ⇒ Object
Returns the value of attribute ffi_lib.
54 55 56 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 54 def ffi_lib @ffi_lib end |
Class Method Details
.activatews ⇒ Object
Activate the specified workstation.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 155
.adjustlimits(amin, amax) ⇒ Integer
1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1508 def adjustlimits(amin, amax) inquiry %i[double double] do |pamin, pamax| pamin.write_double amin pamax.write_double amax super(pamin, pamax) end end |
.adjustrange(amin, amax) ⇒ Object
1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1516 def adjustrange(amin, amax) inquiry %i[double double] do |pamin, pamax| pamin.write_double amin pamax.write_double amax super(pamin, pamax) end end |
.axes ⇒ Object Also known as: axes2d
Draw X and Y coordinate axes with linearly and/or logarithmically spaced tick marks.
Tick marks are positioned along each axis so that major tick marks fall on the axes origin (whether visible or not). Major tick marks are labeled with the corresponding data values. Axes are drawn according to the scale of the window. Axes and tick marks are drawn using solid lines; line color and width can be modified using the gr_setlinetype and gr_setlinewidth functions. Axes are drawn according to the linear or logarithmic transformation established by the gr_setscale function.
1117 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1117 alias axes2d axes |
.axes3d ⇒ Object
Draw X, Y and Z coordinate axes with linearly and/or logarithmically spaced tick marks.
Tick marks are positioned along each axis so that major tick marks fall on the axes origin (whether visible or not). Major tick marks are labeled with the corresponding data values. Axes are drawn according to the scale of the window. Axes and tick marks are drawn using solid lines; line color and width can be modified using the ‘setlinetype` and `setlinewidth` functions. Axes are drawn according to the linear or logarithmic transformation established by the `setscale` function.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1278
.axeslbl ⇒ Object
This method uses GRCommons::Fiddley::Function as a callback function. Please read the source code If you have to use it. There are some examples of the use of this function in the Plot class..
Create axes in the current workspace and supply a custom function for changing the behaviour of the tick labels.
Similar to gr_axes() but allows more fine-grained control over tick labels and text positioning by supplying callback functions. Within the callback function you can use normal GR text primitives for performing any manipulations on the label text. See gr_axes() for more details on drawing axes.
param x [Numeric] NDC of the label in X direction.
param y [Numeric] NDC of the label in Y direction.
param svalue [String] Internal string representation of the text drawn by GR at (x,y).
param value [Numeric] Floating point representation of the label drawn at (x,y).
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1119
.begingraphics ⇒ Object
Open a file for graphics output.
‘begingraphics` allows to write all graphics output into a XML-formatted file until the `endgraphics` functions is called. The resulting file may later be imported with the `importgraphics` function.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1805
.beginprint(file_path) ⇒ Object
Ruby feature - you can use block to call endprint automatically.
Open and activate a print device.
‘beginprint` opens an additional graphics output device. The device type is obtained from the given file extension
1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1545 def beginprint(file_path) super(file_path) return unless block_given? yield endprint end |
.beginprintext ⇒ Object
Open and activate a print device with the given layout attributes.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1553
.beginselection ⇒ Object
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1840
.camerainteraction ⇒ Object
Rotate the current scene according to a virtual arcball.
This function requires values between 0 (left side or bottom of the drawing area) and 1 (right side or top of the drawing area).
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2258
.cellarray(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, dimx, dimy, color) ⇒ Object
Display rasterlike images in a device-independent manner. The cell array function partitions a rectangle given by two corner points into DIMX X DIMY cells, each of them colored individually by the corresponding color index of the given cell array.
The values for ‘xmin`, `xmax`, `ymin` and `ymax` are in world coordinates.
331 332 333 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 331 def cellarray(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, dimx, dimy, color) super(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, dimx, dimy, 1, 1, dimx, dimy, int(color)) end |
.clearws ⇒ Object
Clear the specified workstation.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 171
.closegks ⇒ Object
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 103
.closeseg ⇒ Object
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 957
.closews ⇒ Object
Close the specified workstation.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 149
.colorbar ⇒ Object
1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1487 def inqcolor(color) inquiry_int do |rgb| super(color, rgb) end end |
.configurews ⇒ Object
Configure the specified workstation.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 167
.contour(x, y, h, z, major_h) ⇒ Object
‘contour` is overwritten by `require gr/plot`. The original method is moved to the underscored name. The yard document will show the method name after evacuation.
Draw contours of a three-dimensional data set whose values are specified over a rectangular mesh. Contour lines may optionally be labeled.
1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1378 def contour(x, y, h, z, major_h) # TODO: check: Arrays have incorrect length or dimension. nx = x.length ny = y.length nh = h.length super(nx, ny, nh, x, y, h, z, major_h) end |
.contourf(x, y, h, z, major_h) ⇒ Object
‘contourf` is overwritten by `require gr/plot`. The original method is moved to the underscored name. The yard document will show the method name after evacuation.
Draw filled contours of a three-dimensional data set whose values are specified over a rectangular mesh.
1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1403 def contourf(x, y, h, z, major_h) # TODO: check: Arrays have incorrect length or dimension. nx = x.length ny = y.length nh = h.length super(nx, ny, nh, x, y, h, z, major_h) end |
.copysegws ⇒ Object
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 951
.cpubasedvolume ⇒ Object
FIXME! (#61)
2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2411 def inqvpsize inquiry %i[int int double] do |*pts| super(*pts) end end |
.createseg ⇒ Object
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 949
.deactivatews ⇒ Object
Deactivate the specified workstation.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 161
.delaunay(x, y) ⇒ Integer
1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1875 def delaunay(x, y) # Feel free to make a pull request if you catch a mistake # or you have an idea to improve it. npoints = equal_length(x, y) triangles = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(Fiddle::SIZEOF_INTPTR_T, Fiddle::RUBY_FREE) dim = 3 n_tri = inquiry_int do |ntri| super(npoints, x, y, ntri, triangles.ref) end if n_tri > 0 tri = triangles.to_str(dim * n_tri * Fiddle::SIZEOF_INT).unpack('l*') # Int32 # Ruby : 0-based indexing # Julia : 1-based indexing tri = tri.each_slice(dim).to_a [n_tri, tri] else 0 end end |
.destroycontext ⇒ Object
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1870
.drawarc ⇒ Object
Draw a circular or elliptical arc covering the specified rectangle.
The resulting arc begins at ‘a1` and ends at `a2` degrees. Angles are interpreted such that 0 degrees is at the 3 o’clock position. The center of the arc is the center of the given rectangle.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1638
.drawarrow ⇒ Object
Draw an arrow between two points.
Different arrow styles (angles between arrow tail and wing, optionally filled heads, double headed arrows) are available and can be set with the ‘setarrowstyle` function.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1722
.drawgraphics ⇒ Integer
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1821
.drawimage(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, width, height, data, model = 0) ⇒ Object
Draw an image into a given rectangular area.
The points (‘xmin`, `ymin`) and (`xmax`, `ymax`) are world coordinates defining diagonally opposite corner points of a rectangle. This rectangle is divided into `width` by `height` cells. The two-dimensional array `data` specifies colors for each cell.
1767 1768 1769 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1767 def drawimage(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, width, height, data, model = 0) super(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, width, height, uint(data), model) end |
.drawpath(points, codes, fill) ⇒ Object
Draw simple and compound outlines consisting of line segments and bezier curves.
1682 1683 1684 1685 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1682 def drawpath(points, codes, fill) len = codes.length super(len, points, uint8(codes), fill) end |
.drawrect ⇒ Object
Draw a rectangle using the current line attributes.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1620
.emergencyclosegks ⇒ Object
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 959
.endgraphics ⇒ Object
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1814
.endprint ⇒ Object
1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1595 def ndctowc(x, y) inquiry %i[double double] do |px, py| px.write_double x py.write_double y super(px, py) end end |
.endselection ⇒ Object
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1842
.fillarc ⇒ Object
Fill a circular or elliptical arc covering the specified rectangle.
The resulting arc begins at ‘a1` and ends at `a2` degrees. Angles are interpreted such that 0 degrees is at the 3 o’clock position. The center of the arc is the center of the given rectangle.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1653
.fillarea(x, y) ⇒ Object
Allows you to specify a polygonal shape of an area to be filled.
The attributes that control the appearance of fill areas are fill area interior style, fill area style index and fill area color index.
311 312 313 314 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 311 def fillarea(x, y) n = equal_length(x, y) super(n, x, y) end |
.fillrect ⇒ Object
Draw a filled rectangle using the current fill attributes.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1629
.findboundary ⇒ Object
This method uses GRCommons::Fiddley::Function as a callback function. Please read the source code If you have to use it. This method is not sure if it works properly.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2039
.gdp(x, y, primid, datrec) ⇒ Object
Generates a generalized drawing primitive (GDP) of the type you specify, using specified points and any additional information contained in a data record.
431 432 433 434 435 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 431 def gdp(x, y, primid, datrec) n = equal_length(x, y) ldr = datrec.length super(n, x, y, primid, ldr, int(datrec)) end |
.getgraphics ⇒ String
1817 1818 1819 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1817 def getgraphics(*) super.to_s end |
.gr_setresizebehaviour ⇒ Object
814 815 816 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 814 def inqresizebehaviour inquiry_int { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.gradient(x, y, z) ⇒ Object
1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1921 def gradient(x, y, z) # TODO: check: Arrays have incorrect length or dimension. nx = x.length ny = y.length inquiry [{ double: nx * ny }, { double: nx * ny }] do |pu, pv| super(nx, ny, x, y, z, pu, pv) end end |
.grid ⇒ Object
Draw a linear and/or logarithmic grid.
Major grid lines correspond to the axes origin and major tick marks whether visible or not. Minor grid lines are drawn at points equal to minor tick marks. Major grid lines are drawn using black lines and minor grid lines are drawn using gray lines.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1168
.grid3d ⇒ Object
Draw a linear and/or logarithmic grid.
Major grid lines correspond to the axes origin and major tick marks whether visible or not. Minor grid lines are drawn at points equal to minor tick marks. Major grid lines are drawn using black lines and minor grid lines are drawn using gray lines.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1192
.gridit(xd, yd, zd, nx, ny) ⇒ Object
Interpolate data from arbitrary points at points on a rectangular grid.
468 469 470 471 472 473 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 468 def gridit(xd, yd, zd, nx, ny) nd = equal_length(xd, yd, zd) inquiry [{ double: nx }, { double: ny }, { double: nx * ny }] do |px, py, pz| super(nd, xd, yd, zd, nx, ny, px, py, pz) end end |
.herrorbars(x, y, e1, e2) ⇒ Object
Draw a standard horizontal error bar graph.
1242 1243 1244 1245 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1242 def (x, y, e1, e2) n = equal_length(x, y, e1, e2) super(n, x, y, e1, e2) end |
.hexbin(x, y, nbins) ⇒ Integer
‘hexbin` is overwritten by `require gr/plot`. The original method is moved to the underscored name. The yard document will show the method name after evacuation.
1429 1430 1431 1432 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1429 def hexbin(x, y, nbins) n = x.length super(n, x, y, nbins) end |
.hsvtorgb(h, s, v) ⇒ Integer
1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1496 def hsvtorgb(h, s, v) inquiry %i[double double double] do |r, g, b| super(h, s, v, r, g, b) end end |
.importgraphics ⇒ Integer
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1771
.initgr ⇒ Object
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 99
.inqbbox ⇒ Object
1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1848 def inqbbox inquiry %i[double double double double] do |*pts| super(*pts) end end |
.inqbordercolorind ⇒ Object
Define the color of subsequent path output primitives.
2172 2173 2174 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2172 def inqbordercolorind inquiry_int { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.inqborderwidth ⇒ Object
Define the border width of subsequent path output primitives.
2162 2163 2164 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2162 def inqborderwidth inquiry_double { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.inqcharheight ⇒ Numeric
Gets the current character height.
This function gets the height of text output primitives. Text height is defined as a percentage of the default window. GR uses the default text height of 0.027 (2.7% of the height of the default window).
700 701 702 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 700 def inqcharheight inquiry_double { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.inqclipxform ⇒ Object
2178 2179 2180 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2178 def inqclipxform inquiry_int { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.inqcolor(color) ⇒ Object
1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1487 def inqcolor(color) inquiry_int do |rgb| super(color, rgb) end end |
.inqcolorfromrgb ⇒ Integer
1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1496 def hsvtorgb(h, s, v) inquiry %i[double double double] do |r, g, b| super(h, s, v, r, g, b) end end |
.inqcolormap ⇒ Object
1444 1445 1446 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1444 def inqcolormap inquiry_int { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.inqcolormapinds ⇒ Array
Inquire the color index range of the current colormap.
1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1479 def inqcolormapinds inquiry %i[int int] do |first_color_ind, last_color_ind| super(first_color_ind, last_color_ind) end end |
.inqdspsize ⇒ Array
Get the current display size.
Depending on the current workstation type, the current display might be the primary screen (e.g. when using gksqt or GKSTerm) or a purely virtual display (e.g. when using Cairo). When a high DPI screen is used as the current display, width and height will be in logical pixels.
113 114 115 116 117 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 113 def inqdspsize inquiry %i[double double int int] do |*pts| super(*pts) end end |
.inqfillcolorind ⇒ Integer
Returns the current fill area color index.
This function gets the color of fill area output primitives.
808 809 810 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 808 def inqfillcolorind inquiry_int { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.inqfillintstyle ⇒ Integer
Returns the fill area interior style to be used for fill areas.
This function gets the currently set fill style.
767 768 769 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 767 def inqfillintstyle inquiry_int { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.inqfillstyle ⇒ Integer
Returns the current fill area color index.
This function gets the color index for PATTERN and HATCH fills.
789 790 791 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 789 def inqfillstyle inquiry_int { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.inqlinecolorind ⇒ Object
Define the color of subsequent polyline output primitives.
518 519 520 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 518 def inqlinecolorind inquiry_int { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.inqlinetype ⇒ Object
Specify the line style for polylines.
493 494 495 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 493 def inqlinetype inquiry_int { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.inqlinewidth ⇒ Object
Define the line width of subsequent polyline output primitives.
The line width is calculated as the nominal line width generated on the workstation multiplied by the line width scale factor. This value is mapped by the workstation to the nearest available line width. The default line width is 1.0, or 1 times the line width generated on the graphics device.
508 509 510 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 508 def inqlinewidth inquiry_double { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.inqmarkercolorind ⇒ Object
Define the color of subsequent polymarker output primitives.
594 595 596 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 594 def inqmarkercolorind inquiry_int { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.inqmarkersize ⇒ Numeric
Inquire the marker size for polymarkers.
584 585 586 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 584 def inqmarkersize inquiry_double { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.inqmarkertype ⇒ Object
Specifiy the marker type for polymarkers.
Polymarkers appear centered over their specified coordinates.
567 568 569 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 567 def inqmarkertype inquiry_int { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.inqmathtex(x, y, string) ⇒ Object
1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1834 def inqmathtex(x, y, string) inquiry [{ double: 4 }, { double: 4 }] do |tbx, tby| super(x, y, string, tbx, tby) end end |
.inqorthographicprojection ⇒ Object
Return the camera position, up vector and focus point.
2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2252 def inqorthographicprojection inquiry([:double] * 6) do |*pts| super(*pts) end end |
.inqperspectiveprojection ⇒ Object
Return the parameters for the perspective projection.
2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2209 def inqperspectiveprojection inquiry %i[double double double] do |*pts| super(*pts) end end |
.inqprojectiontype ⇒ Object
Return the projection type.
2193 2194 2195 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2193 def inqprojectiontype inquiry_int { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.inqregenflags ⇒ Integer
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1861
.inqresamplemethod ⇒ Integer
Inquire the resample method used for ‘drawimage`
2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2104 def inqresamplemethod inquiry_uint do |resample_method| super(resample_method) end end |
.inqresizebehaviour ⇒ Object
814 815 816 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 814 def inqresizebehaviour inquiry_int { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.inqscale ⇒ Object
1014 1015 1016 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1014 def inqscale inquiry_int { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.inqscalefactors3d ⇒ Object
Returns the scale factors for each axis.
2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2300 def inqscalefactors3d inquiry %i[double double double] do |*opts| super(*opts) end end |
.inqspace ⇒ Integer
Set the abstract Z-space used for mapping three-dimensional output primitives into the current world coordinate space.
‘setspace` establishes the limits of an abstract Z-axis and defines the angles for rotation and for the viewing angle (tilt) of a simulated three-dimensional graph, used for mapping corresponding output primitives into the current window. These settings are used for all subsequent three-dimensional output primitives until other values are specified. Angles of rotation and viewing angle must be specified between 0° and 90°.
982 983 984 985 986 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 982 def inqspace inquiry %i[double double int int] do |*pts| super(*pts) end end |
.inqtext(x, y, string) ⇒ Object
Draw a text at position ‘x`, `y` using the given options and current text attributes.
The values for ‘x` and `y` specify the text position. If the GR_TEXT_USE_WC option is set, they are interpreted as world coordinates, otherwise as normalized device coordinates. The string may contain new line characters and inline math expressions ($…$). The latter are only taken into account, if the GR_TEXT_ENABLE_INLINE_MATH option is set. The attributes that control the appearance of text are text font and precision, character expansion factor, character spacing, text color index, character height, character up vector, text path and text alignment.
291 292 293 294 295 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 291 def inqtext(x, y, string) inquiry [{ double: 4 }, { double: 4 }] do |tbx, tby| super(x, y, string, tbx, tby) end end |
.inqtext3d(x, y, z, string, axis) ⇒ Object
2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2325 def inqtext3d(x, y, z, string, axis) inquiry [{ double: 16 }, { double: 16 }] do |tbx, tby| super(x, y, z, string, axis, tbx, tby) end end |
.inqtextcolorind ⇒ Integer
Gets the current text color index.
This function gets the color of text output primitives.
679 680 681 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 679 def inqtextcolorind inquiry_int { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.inqtextencoding ⇒ Object
2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2333 def inqtextencoding inquiry_int do |encoding| super(encoding) end end |
.inqtextext(x, y, string) ⇒ Object
1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1076 def inqtextext(x, y, string) inquiry [{ double: 4 }, { double: 4 }] do |tbx, tby| super(x, y, string, tbx, tby) end end |
.inqtextx(x, y, string, opts) ⇒ Object
297 298 299 300 301 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 297 def inqtextx(x, y, string, opts) inquiry [{ double: 4 }, { double: 4 }] do |tbx, tby| super(x, y, string, opts, tbx, tby) end end |
.inqtransformationparameters ⇒ Object
Return the camera position, up vector and focus point.
2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2232 def inqtransformationparameters inquiry([:double] * 9) do |*pts| super(*pts) end end |
.inqviewport ⇒ Object
878 879 880 881 882 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 878 def inquiry %i[double double double double] do |*pts| super(*pts) end end |
.inqvolumeflags ⇒ Array
Inquire the parameters which can be set for cpubasedvolume. The size of the resulting image, the way the volumeborder is calculated and the amount of threads which are used.
2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2402 def inqvolumeflags inquiry([:int] * 5) do |*pts| super(*pts) end end |
.inqvpsize ⇒ Object
FIXME! (#61)
2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2411 def inqvpsize inquiry %i[int int double] do |*pts| super(*pts) end end |
.inqwindow ⇒ Object
851 852 853 854 855 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 851 def inqwindow inquiry %i[double double double double] do |*pts| super(*pts) end end |
.inqwindow3d ⇒ Object
Return the three dimensional window.
2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2283 def inqwindow3d inquiry([:double] * 6) do |*pts| super(*pts) end end |
.interp2(x, y, z, xq, yq, method, extrapval) ⇒ Object
Interpolation in two dimensions using one of four different methods. The input points are located on a grid, described by ‘x`, `y` and `z`. The target grid ist described by `xq` and `yq`. Returns an array containing the resulting z-values.
1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1970 def interp2(x, y, z, xq, yq, method, extrapval) nx = x.length ny = y.length # nz = z.length nxq = xq.length nyq = yq.length inquiry(double: nxq * nyq) do |zq| super(nx, ny, x, y, z, nxq, nyq, xq, yq, zq, method, extrapval) end end |
.loadfont(str) ⇒ Object
Load a font file from a given filename.
This function loads a font from a given absolute filename and assigns a font index to it. To use the loaded font call ‘gr_settextfontprec` using the resulting font index and precision 3.
2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2347 def loadfont(str) inquiry_int do |font| super(str, font) end end |
.mathtex ⇒ Object
Generate a character string starting at the given location. Strings can be defined to create mathematical symbols and Greek letters using LaTeX syntax.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1824
.moveselection ⇒ Object
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1844
.ndctowc(x, y) ⇒ Object
1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1595 def ndctowc(x, y) inquiry %i[double double] do |px, py| px.write_double x py.write_double y super(px, py) end end |
.nonuniformcellarray(x, y, dimx, dimy, color) ⇒ Object
Display a two dimensional color index array with nonuniform cell sizes.
The values for ‘x` and `y` are in world coordinates. `x` must contain `dimx` + 1 elements and `y` must contain `dimy` + 1 elements. The elements i and i+1 are respectively the edges of the i-th cell in X and Y direction.
347 348 349 350 351 352 353 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 347 def nonuniformcellarray(x, y, dimx, dimy, color) raise ArgumentError unless x.length == dimx + 1 && y.length == dimy + 1 nx = dimx == x.length ? -dimx : dimx ny = dimy == y.length ? -dimy : dimy super(x, y, nx, ny, 1, 1, dimx, dimy, int(color)) end |
.nonuniformpolarcellarray(phi, r, ncol, nrow, color) ⇒ Object
Display a two dimensional color index array mapped to a disk using polar coordinates with nonuniform cell sizes.
The mapping of the polar coordinates and the drawing is performed similar to ‘gr_polarcellarray` with the difference that the individual cell sizes are specified allowing nonuniform sized cells.
414 415 416 417 418 419 420 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 414 def nonuniformpolarcellarray(phi, r, ncol, nrow, color) raise ArgumentError unless (ncol..(ncol + 1)).include?(phi.length) && (nrow..(nrow + 1)).include?(r.length) dimphi = ncol == phi.length ? -ncol : ncol dimr = nrow == r.length ? -nrow : nrow super(0, 0, phi, r, dimphi, dimr, 1, 1, ncol, nrow, int(color)) end |
.opengks ⇒ Object
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 101
.openws ⇒ Object
Open a graphical workstation.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 119
.panzoom(x, y, zoom) ⇒ Object
2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2046 def panzoom(x, y, zoom) inquiry %i[double double double double] do |xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax| super(x, y, zoom, zoom, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) end end |
.path(x, y, codes) ⇒ Object
Draw paths using the given vertices and path codes.
See for more details.
2139 2140 2141 2142 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2139 def path(x, y, codes) n = equal_length(x, y) super(n, x, y, codes) end |
.polarcellarray(x_org, y_org, phimin, phimax, rmin, rmax, dimphi, dimr, color) ⇒ Object
Display a two dimensional color index array mapped to a disk using polar coordinates.
The two dimensional color index array is mapped to the resulting image by interpreting the X-axis of the array as the angle and the Y-axis as the raidus. The center point of the resulting disk is located at ‘xorg`, `yorg` and the radius of the disk is `rmax`.
The additional parameters to the function can be used to further control the mapping from polar to cartesian coordinates.
If ‘rmin` is greater than 0 the input data is mapped to a punctured disk (or annulus) with an inner radius of `rmin` and an outer radius `rmax`. If `rmin` is greater than `rmax` the Y-axis of the array is reversed.
The parameter ‘phimin` and `phimax` can be used to map the data to a sector of the (punctured) disk starting at `phimin` and ending at `phimax`. If `phimin` is greater than `phimax` the X-axis is reversed. The visible sector is the one starting in mathematically positive direction (counterclockwise) at the smaller angle and ending at the larger angle. An example of the four possible options can be found below:
phimin phimax Result
90 270 Left half visible, mapped counterclockwise
270 90 Left half visible, mapped clockwise
-90 90 Right half visible, mapped counterclockwise
90 -90 Right half visible, mapped clockwise
397 398 399 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 397 def polarcellarray(x_org, y_org, phimin, phimax, rmin, rmax, dimphi, dimr, color) super(x_org, y_org, phimin, phimax, rmin, rmax, dimphi, dimr, 1, 1, dimphi, dimr, int(color)) end |
.polygonmesh3d(px, py, pz, connections, colors) ⇒ Object
2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2417 def polygonmesh3d(px, py, pz, connections, colors) n_points = equal_length(px, py, pz) n_connections = colors.length super(n_points, px, py, pz, n_connections, int(connections), int(colors)) end |
.polyline(x, y, linewidth = nil, line_z = nil) ⇒ Object
Draw a polyline using the current line attributes, starting from the first data point and ending at the last data point.
The values for x and y are in world coordinates. The attributes that control the appearance of a polyline are linetype, linewidth and color index.
191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 191 def polyline(x, y, linewidth = nil, line_z = nil) # GR.jl - Multiple dispatch n = equal_length(x, y) if linewidth.nil? && line_z.nil? super(n, x, y) else linewidth ||= GR.inqlinewidth linewidth = if linewidth.is_a?(Numeric), linewidth * 100) else raise ArgumentError if n != linewidth.length { |i| (100 * i).round } end line_z ||= GR.inqcolor(989) # FIXME color = if line_z.is_a?(Numeric), line_z) else raise ArgumentError if n != line_z.length to_rgb_color(line_z) end z = # to_a : NArray gdp(x, y, GDP_DRAW_LINES, z) end end |
.polyline3d(x, y, z) ⇒ Object
Draw a 3D curve using the current line attributes, starting from the first data point and ending at the last data point.
The values for ‘x`, `y` and `z` are in world coordinates. The attributes that control the appearance of a polyline are linetype, linewidth and color index.
1258 1259 1260 1261 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1258 def polyline3d(x, y, z) n = equal_length(x, y, z) super(n, x, y, z) end |
.polymarker(x, y, markersize = nil, marker_z = nil) ⇒ Object
Draw marker symbols centered at the given data points.
The values for x and y are in world coordinates. The attributes that control the appearance of a polymarker are marker type, marker size scale factor and color index.
229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 229 def polymarker(x, y, markersize = nil, marker_z = nil) # GR.jl - Multiple dispatch n = equal_length(x, y) if markersize.nil? && marker_z.nil? super(n, x, y) else markersize ||= GR.inqmarkersize markersize = if markersize.is_a?(Numeric), markersize * 100) else raise ArgumentError if n != markersize.length { |i| (100 * i).round } end marker_z ||= GR.inqcolor(989) # FIXME color = if marker_z.is_a?(Numeric), marker_z) else raise ArgumentError if n != marker_z.length to_rgb_color(marker_z) end z = # to_a : NArray gdp(x, y, GDP_DRAW_MARKERS, z) end end |
.polymarker3d(x, y, z) ⇒ Object
Draw marker symbols centered at the given 3D data points.
The values for ‘x`, `y` and `z` are in world coordinates. The attributes that control the appearance of a polymarker are marker type, marker size scale factor and color index.
1273 1274 1275 1276 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1273 def polymarker3d(x, y, z) n = equal_length(x, y, z) super(n, x, y, z) end |
.quiver(x, y, u, v, color) ⇒ Object
Draw a quiver plot on a grid of nx*ny points.
The values for ‘x` and `y` are in world coordinates.
1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1944 def quiver(x, y, u, v, color) # TODO: check: Arrays have incorrect length or dimension. nx = x.length ny = y.length super(nx, ny, x, y, u, v, (color ? 1 : 0)) end |
.readimage(path) ⇒ Integer
1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1736 def readimage(path) # Feel free to make a pull request if you catch a mistake # or you have an idea to improve it. data = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(Fiddle::SIZEOF_INTPTR_T, Fiddle::RUBY_FREE) w, h = inquiry [:int, :int] do |width, height| # data is a pointer of a pointer super(path, width, height, data.ref) end d = data.to_str(w * h * Fiddle::SIZEOF_INT).unpack('L*') # UInt32 [w, h, d] end |
.redrawsegws ⇒ Object
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 953
.reducepoints(xd, yd, n) ⇒ Object
Reduces the number of points of the x and y array.
1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1901 def reducepoints(xd, yd, n) nd = equal_length(xd, yd) inquiry [{ double: n }, { double: n }] do |x, y| # Different from Julia. x, y are initialized zero. super(nd, xd, yd, n, x, y) end end |
.resizeselection ⇒ Object
1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1848 def inqbbox inquiry %i[double double double double] do |*pts| super(*pts) end end |
.restorestate ⇒ Object
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1866
.savestate ⇒ Object
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1864
.selectclipxform ⇒ Object
2178 2179 2180 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2178 def inqclipxform inquiry_int { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.selectcontext ⇒ Object
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1868
.selntran ⇒ Object
‘selntran` selects a predefined transformation from world coordinates to normalized device coordinates.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 884
.setapproximativecalculation ⇒ Object
Set if gr_cpubasedvolume is calculated approximative or exact. To use the exact calculation set approximative_calculation to 0. The default value is the approximative version, which can be set with the number 1.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2381
.setarrowsize ⇒ Object
Set the arrow size to be used for subsequent arrow commands.
‘setarrowsize` defines the arrow size for subsequent arrow primitives. The default arrow size is 1.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1713
.setarrowstyle ⇒ Object
Set the arrow style to be used for subsequent arrow commands.
‘setarrowstyle` defines the arrow style for subsequent arrow primitives.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1687
.setbordercolorind ⇒ Object
Define the color of subsequent path output primitives.
2172 2173 2174 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2172 def inqbordercolorind inquiry_int { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.setborderwidth ⇒ Object
Define the border width of subsequent path output primitives.
2162 2163 2164 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2162 def inqborderwidth inquiry_double { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.setcharexpan ⇒ Object
Set the current character expansion factor (width to height ratio).
‘setcharexpan` defines the width of subsequent text output primitives. The expansion factor alters the width of the generated characters, but not their height. The default text expansion factor is 1, or one times the normal width-to-height ratio of the text.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 650
.setcharheight ⇒ Object
Set the current character height.
‘setcharheight` defines the height of subsequent text output primitives. Text height is defined as a percentage of the default window. GR uses the default text height of 0.027 (2.7% of the height of the default window).
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 683
.setcharspace ⇒ Object
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 662
.setcharup ⇒ Object
Set the current character text angle up vector.
‘setcharup` defines the vertical rotation of subsequent text output primitives. The text up vector is initially set to (0, 1), horizontal to the baseline.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 704
.setclip ⇒ Object
Set the clipping indicator.
0 : Clipping is off. Data outside of the window will be drawn.
1 : Clipping is on. Data outside of the window will not be drawn.
‘setclip` enables or disables clipping of the image drawn in the current window. Clipping is defined as the removal of those portions of the graph that lie outside of the defined viewport. If clipping is on, GR does not draw generated output primitives past the viewport boundaries. If clipping is off, primitives may exceed the viewport boundaries, and they will be drawn to the edge of the workstation window. By default, clipping is on.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 895
.setcolormap ⇒ Object
Set the currently used colormap.
A list of colormaps can be found at:
Using a negative index will use the reverse of the selected colormap.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1434
.setcolormapfromrgb(r, g, b, positions: nil) ⇒ Object
GR.jl and python-gr have different APIsI
Define a colormap by a list of RGB colors. This function defines a colormap using the n given color intensities. If less than 256 colors are provided the colors intensities are linear interpolated. If x is NULL the given color values are evenly distributed in the colormap. Otherwise the normalized value of x defines the position of the color in the colormap.
1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1465 def setcolormapfromrgb(r, g, b, positions: nil) n = equal_length(r, g, b) if positions.nil? positions = Fiddle::NULL elsif positions.length != n raise end super(n, r, g, b, positions) end |
.setcolorrep ⇒ Object
Redefine an existing color index representation by specifying an RGB color triplet.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 818
.setcoordxform(mat) ⇒ Object
Change the coordinate transformation according to the given matrix.
1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1799 def setcoordxform(mat) raise if mat.size != 6 super(mat) end |
.setfillcolorind ⇒ Object
Sets the current fill area color index.
‘setfillcolorind` defines the color of subsequent fill area output primitives. GR uses the default foreground color (black=1) for the default fill area color index.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 793
.setfillintstyle ⇒ Object
Set the fill area interior style to be used for fill areas.
‘setfillintstyle` defines the interior style for subsequent fill area output primitives. The default interior style is HOLLOW.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 748
.setfillstyle ⇒ Object
Sets the fill style to be used for subsequent fill areas.
‘setfillstyle` specifies an index when PATTERN fill or HATCH fill is requested by the`setfillintstyle` function. If the interior style is set to PATTERN, the fill style index points to a device-independent pattern table. If interior style is set to HATCH the fill style index indicates different hatch styles. If HOLLOW or SOLID is specified for the interior style, the fill style index is unused.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 771
.setlinecolorind ⇒ Object
Define the color of subsequent polyline output primitives.
518 519 520 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 518 def inqlinecolorind inquiry_int { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.setlinetype ⇒ Object
Specify the line style for polylines.
493 494 495 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 493 def inqlinetype inquiry_int { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.setlinewidth ⇒ Object
Define the line width of subsequent polyline output primitives.
The line width is calculated as the nominal line width generated on the workstation multiplied by the line width scale factor. This value is mapped by the workstation to the nearest available line width. The default line width is 1.0, or 1 times the line width generated on the graphics device.
508 509 510 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 508 def inqlinewidth inquiry_double { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.setmarkercolorind ⇒ Object
Define the color of subsequent polymarker output primitives.
594 595 596 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 594 def inqmarkercolorind inquiry_int { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.setmarkersize ⇒ Object
Specify the marker size for polymarkers.
The polymarker size is calculated as the nominal size generated on the graphics device multiplied by the marker size scale factor.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 571
.setmarkertype ⇒ Object
Specifiy the marker type for polymarkers.
Polymarkers appear centered over their specified coordinates.
567 568 569 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 567 def inqmarkertype inquiry_int { |pt| super(pt) } end |
.setorthographicprojection ⇒ Object
Set parameters for orthographic transformation. Switches projection type to orthographic.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2238
.setperspectiveprojection ⇒ Object
Set the far and near clipping plane for perspective projection and the vertical field ov view. Switches projection type to perspective.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2197
.setpicturesizeforvolume ⇒ Object
Set the width and height of the resulting picture. These values are only used for gr_volume and gr_cpubasedvolume. The default values are 1000 for both.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2360
.setprojectiontype ⇒ Object
Set the projection type with this flag.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2182
.setregenflags ⇒ Object
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1859
.setresamplemethod ⇒ Object
Set the resample method used for ‘drawimage`.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2052
.setscale ⇒ Integer
‘setscale` sets the type of transformation to be used for subsequent GR output primitives.
‘setscale` defines the current transformation according to the given scale specification which may be or’ed together using any of the above options. GR uses these options for all subsequent output primitives until another value is provided. The scale options are used to transform points from an abstract logarithmic or semi-logarithmic coordinate system, which may be flipped along each axis, into the world coordinate system.
Note: When applying a logarithmic transformation to a specific axis, the system assumes that the axes limits are greater than zero.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 988
.setscalefactors3d ⇒ Object
Set the scale factor for each axis. A one means no scale. The scaling factors must not be zero. .
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2289
.setsegtran ⇒ Object
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 955
.setshadow ⇒ Object
‘setshadow` allows drawing of shadows, realized by images painted underneath, and offset from, graphics objects such that the shadow mimics the effect of a light source cast on the graphics objects.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1774
.setspace ⇒ Integer
Set the abstract Z-space used for mapping three-dimensional output primitives into the current world coordinate space.
‘setspace` establishes the limits of an abstract Z-axis and defines the angles for rotation and for the viewing angle (tilt) of a simulated three-dimensional graph, used for mapping corresponding output primitives into the current window. These settings are used for all subsequent three-dimensional output primitives until other values are specified. Angles of rotation and viewing angle must be specified between 0° and 90°.
982 983 984 985 986 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 982 def inqspace inquiry %i[double double int int] do |*pts| super(*pts) end end |
.setspace3d ⇒ Object
Set the camera for orthographic or perspective projection.
The center of the 3d window is used as the focus point and the camera is positioned relative to it, using camera distance, rotation and tilt similar to ‘setspace`. This function can be used if the user prefers spherical coordinates to setting the camera position directly, but has reduced functionality in comparison to GR.settransformationparameters, GR.setperspectiveprojection and GR.setorthographicprojection.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2306
.settextalign ⇒ Object
1 : TEXT_HALIGN_LEFT - Left justify
2 : TEXT_HALIGN_CENTER - Center justify
3 : TEXT_HALIGN_RIGHT - Right justify
‘settextalign` specifies how the characters in a text primitive will be aligned in horizontal and vertical space. The default text alignment indicates horizontal left alignment and vertical baseline alignment.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 730
.settextcolorind ⇒ Object
Sets the current text color index.
‘settextcolorind` defines the color of subsequent text output primitives. GR uses the default foreground color (black=1) for the default text color index.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 664
.settextencoding ⇒ Object
2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2333 def inqtextencoding inquiry_int do |encoding| super(encoding) end end |
.settextfontprec ⇒ Object
Specify the text font and precision for subsequent text output primitives.
The appearance of a font depends on the text precision value specified. STRING, CHARACTER or STROKE precision allows for a greater or lesser realization of the text primitives, for efficiency. STRING is the default precision for GR and produces the highest quality output using either native font rendering or FreeType. OUTLINE uses the GR path rendering functions to draw individual glyphs and produces the highest quality output.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 598
.settextpath ⇒ Object
Define the current direction in which subsequent text will be drawn.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 715
.setthreadnumber ⇒ Object
Set the number of threads which can run parallel. The default value is the number of threads the cpu has.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2353
.settransformationparameters ⇒ Object
Method to set the camera position, the upward facing direction and the focus point of the shown volume.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2215
.settransparency ⇒ Object
Set the value of the alpha component associated with GR colors.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1789
.setviewport ⇒ Object
‘setviewport` establishes a rectangular subspace of normalized device coordinates.
‘setviewport` defines the rectangular portion of the Normalized Device Coordinate (NDC) space to be associated with the specified normalization transformation. The NDC viewport and World Coordinate (WC) window define the normalization transformation through which all output primitives pass. The WC window is mapped onto the rectangular NDC viewport which is, in turn, mapped onto the display surface of the open and active workstation, in device coordinates.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 857
.setvolumebordercalculation(# @!method setthreadnumber) ⇒ Object
Set the gr_volume border type with this flag. This inflicts how the volume is calculated. When the flag is set to GR_VOLUME_WITH_BORDER the border will be calculated the same as the points inside the volume.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2369
.setwindow ⇒ Object
‘setwindow` establishes a window, or rectangular subspace, of world coordinates to be plotted. If you desire log scaling or mirror-imaging of axes, use the SETSCALE function.
‘setwindow` defines the rectangular portion of the World Coordinate space (WC) to be associated with the specified normalization transformation. The WC window and the Normalized Device Coordinates (NDC) viewport define the normalization transformation through which all output primitives are mapped. The WC window is mapped onto the rectangular NDC viewport which is, in turn, mapped onto the display surface of the open and active workstation, in device coordinates. By default, GR uses the range [0,1] x [0,1], in world coordinates, as the normalization transformation window.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 828
.setwindow3d ⇒ Object
Set the three dimensional window. Only used for perspective and orthographic projection.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2270
.setwsviewport ⇒ Object
Define the size of the workstation graphics window in meters.
‘setwsviewport` places a workstation window on the display of the specified size in meters. This command allows the workstation window to be accurately sized for a display or hardcopy device, and is often useful for sizing graphs for desktop publishing applications.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 931
.setwswindow ⇒ Object
Set the area of the NDC viewport that is to be drawn in the workstation window.
‘setwswindow` defines the rectangular area of the Normalized Device Coordinate space to be output to the device. By default, the workstation transformation will map the range [0,1] x [0,1] in NDC onto the largest square on the workstation’s display surface. The aspect ratio of the workstation window is maintained at 1 to 1.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 911
.shade ⇒ Object
‘hexbin` is overwritten by `require gr/plot`. The original method is moved to the underscored name. The yard document will show the method name after evacuation.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1988
.shadelines(x, y, dims: [1200, 1200], xform: 1) ⇒ Object
Display a line set as an aggregated and rasterized image.
The values for ‘x` and `y` are in world coordinates. NaN values can be used to separate the point set into line segments.
2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2033 def shadelines(x, y, dims: [1200, 1200], xform: 1) n = x.length w, h = dims super(n, x, y, xform, w, h) end |
.shadepoints(x, y, dims: [1200, 1200], xform: 1) ⇒ Object
Display a point set as a aggregated and rasterized image.
The values for ‘x` and `y` are in world coordinates.
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2010 def shadepoints(x, y, dims: [1200, 1200], xform: 1) n = x.length w, h = dims super(n, x, y, xform, w, h) end |
.spline(x, y, m, method) ⇒ Object
Generate a cubic spline-fit, starting from the first data point and ending at the last data point.
The values for ‘x` and `y` are in world coordinates. The attributes that control the appearance of a spline-fit are linetype, linewidth and color index.
453 454 455 456 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 453 def spline(x, y, m, method) n = equal_length(x, y) super(n, x, y, m, method) end |
.surface(x, y, z, option) ⇒ Object
‘surface` is overwritten by `require gr/plot`. The original method is moved to the underscored name. The yard document will show the method name after evacuation.
Draw a three-dimensional surface plot for the given data points.
‘x` and `y` define a grid. `z` is a singly dimensioned array containing at least `nx` * `ny` data points. Z describes the surface height at each point on the grid. Data is ordered as shown in the table:
1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1350 def surface(x, y, z, option) # TODO: check: Arrays have incorrect length or dimension. nx = x.length ny = y.length super(nx, ny, x, y, z, option) end |
.text ⇒ Object
Draw a text at position ‘x`, `y` using the current text attributes.
The values for ‘x` and `y` are in normalized device coordinates. The attributes that control the appearance of text are text font and precision, character expansion factor, character spacing, text color index, character height, character up vector, text path and text alignment.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 256
.text3d ⇒ Object
2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2325 def inqtext3d(x, y, z, string, axis) inquiry [{ double: 16 }, { double: 16 }] do |tbx, tby| super(x, y, z, string, axis, tbx, tby) end end |
.text_maxsize ⇒ Object
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1857
.textext ⇒ Integer
Draw a text at position ‘x`, `y` using the current text attributes. Strings can be defined to create basic mathematical expressions and Greek letters.
The values for X and Y are in normalized device coordinates. The attributes that control the appearance of text are text font and precision, character expansion factor, character spacing, text color index, character height, character up vector, text path and text alignment.
The character string is interpreted to be a simple mathematical formula. The following notations apply:
Subscripts and superscripts: These are indicated by carets (‘^’) and underscores (‘_’). If the sub/superscript contains more than one character, it must be enclosed in curly braces (‘{}’).
Fractions are typeset with A ‘/’ B, where A stands for the numerator and B for the denominator.
To include a Greek letter you must specify the corresponding keyword after a backslash (‘') character. The text translator produces uppercase or lowercase Greek letters depending on the case of the keyword.
* Α α - alpha
* Β β - beta
* Γ γ - gamma
* Δ δ - delta
* Ε ε - epsilon
* Ζ ζ - zeta
* Η η - eta
* Θ θ - theta
* Ι ι - iota
* Κ κ - kappa
* Λ λ - lambda
* Μ μ - mu
* Ν ν - Nu / v
* Ξ ξ - xi
* Ο ο - omicron
* Π π - pi
* Ρ ρ - rho
* Σ σ - sigma
* Τ τ - tau
* Υ υ - upsilon
* Φ φ - phi
* Χ χ - chi
* Ψ ψ - psi
* Ω ω - omega
Note: ‘v` is a replacement for `nu` which would conflict with `n` (newline) For more sophisticated mathematical formulas, you should use the `mathtex` function.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1018
.textx ⇒ Object
Draw a text at position ‘x`, `y` using the given options and current text attributes.
The values for ‘x` and `y` specify the text position. If the GR_TEXT_USE_WC option is set, they are interpreted as world coordinates, otherwise as normalized device coordinates. The string may contain new line characters and inline math expressions ($…$). The latter are only taken into account, if the GR_TEXT_ENABLE_INLINE_MATH option is set. The attributes that control the appearance of text are text font and precision, character expansion factor, character spacing, text color index, character height, character up vector, text path and text alignment.
291 292 293 294 295 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 291 def inqtext(x, y, string) inquiry [{ double: 4 }, { double: 4 }] do |tbx, tby| super(x, y, string, tbx, tby) end end |
.tick ⇒ Numeric
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1502
.titles3d ⇒ Object
Display axis titles just outside of their respective axes.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1318
.to_rgb_color(z) ⇒ Array, NArray
2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 2146 def to_rgb_color(z) zmin, zmax = z.minmax return, 0) if zmax == zmin do |i| zi = (i - zmin) / (zmax - zmin).to_f inqcolor(1000 + (zi * 255).round) end end |
.tricontour(x, y, z, levels) ⇒ Object
Draw a contour plot for the given triangle mesh.
1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1418 def tricontour(x, y, z, levels) npoints = x.length # equal_length ? nlevels = levels.length super(npoints, x, y, z, nlevels, levels) end |
.trisurface(x, y, z) ⇒ Object
Draw a triangular surface plot for the given data points.
1915 1916 1917 1918 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1915 def trisurface(x, y, z) n = [x, y, z].map(&:length).min super(n, x, y, z) end |
.updategks ⇒ Object
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 961
.updatews ⇒ Object
Update the specified workstation.
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 175
.uselinespec ⇒ Integer
1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1875 def delaunay(x, y) # Feel free to make a pull request if you catch a mistake # or you have an idea to improve it. npoints = equal_length(x, y) triangles = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(Fiddle::SIZEOF_INTPTR_T, Fiddle::RUBY_FREE) dim = 3 n_tri = inquiry_int do |ntri| super(npoints, x, y, ntri, triangles.ref) end if n_tri > 0 tri = triangles.to_str(dim * n_tri * Fiddle::SIZEOF_INT).unpack('l*') # Int32 # Ruby : 0-based indexing # Julia : 1-based indexing tri = tri.each_slice(dim).to_a [n_tri, tri] else 0 end end |
.validaterange ⇒ Integer
1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1508 def adjustlimits(amin, amax) inquiry %i[double double] do |pamin, pamax| pamin.write_double amin pamax.write_double amax super(pamin, pamax) end end |
.verrorbars(x, y, e1, e2) ⇒ Object
Draw a standard vertical error bar graph.
1230 1231 1232 1233 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1230 def (x, y, e1, e2) n = equal_length(x, y, e1, e2) super(n, x, y, e1, e2) end |
.version ⇒ String
Returns the combined version strings of the GR runtime.
1984 1985 1986 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1984 def version super.to_s end |
.wc3towc(x, y, z) ⇒ Object
1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1611 def wc3towc(x, y, z) inquiry %i[double double double] do |px, py, pz| px.write_double x py.write_double y pz.write_double z super(px, py, pz) end end |
.wctondc(x, y) ⇒ Object
1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 |
# File 'lib/gr.rb', line 1603 def wctondc(x, y) inquiry %i[double double] do |px, py| px.write_double x py.write_double y super(px, py) end end |